The Gottscheers’ Days event preserves the memory of the Gottscheer Germans and their history in our area. Back in the 14th century, the Counts of Ortenburg settled the Gottscheers on the slopes of Kočevski Rog mountain range, who lived here for several centuries. They left us a rich cultural heritage and strongly influenced the development of Semič.
We preserve the memory of the Kočevje Germans with the event The Days of Gottscheer Culture, alternately hosted by the municipalities of Kočevje, Dolenjske Toplice and Semič. We organise interesting workshops, lectures, hikes and painting colonies. We are especially happy when the descendants of the Gottscheer Germans and individuals who still speak the ancient Gottscheer dialects join us. Let’s respect the past, as its echo inevitably resonates in our present!
Foto: Uroš Novina