I invite you to check out everything the place has to offer travellers. But remember that those unforgettable experiences will happen in spontaneous encounters with hospitable locals and with good wine.
I am sure you will have additional questions so I’m here – for you.
Let’s also meet live – you are welcome to visit the Semič Tourist Information Centre (TIC) for information!
Hi, any questions for me?
Write to me.
Municipality of Semič – the most tourist-friendly municipality of 2019 awarded within the Tourist Patrol
Colin and Diane come from Nottingham and have been living in Slovenia for five years. They spent an unforgettable weekend at the Krupa river spring. They enjoyed the many natural beauty spots the place has to offer, and even managed to see a kingfisher at the Krupa spring. “I can tell you it was simply stunning. We enjoyed every step of the way,” Diane confessed.